Tag: art

  • Cat Spine Pyro Candle

    Burn that kitty down to its spine and enjoy the flame, while the cat is disappearing more and more. Then the only thing left are the backbone. Out of metal! Sounds cruel and sad? No, no! Hear me out, it’s just a grey candle in form of a cat, which to our surprise holds a…

  • Popek – The Pooping Pink Balloon Dog

    I feel simultaneously amused and ashamed for liking this pooping, pink, balloon dog sculpture so much. The little touch of the balloon ending of the pile of poop just cracks me. Am I the only one liking it or am I just easily amused? But there are limits though, for example I would never, EVER…

  • New Fetish: Cutting Sand ASMR

    With a lot of fantasy I could MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE imagine that cutting cheese would be some kind of fetish to some (please take my word, I’m not into that) but cutting sand? And people watch these kind of videos by the Millions? But I have to admit, after watching couple of these videos, I’m totally fixated…

  • HellRaiser Black Balloon Performance Art

    Please, please, please! Don’t ask me what’s going on in this video. How did this guy end up in box, wearing a Hellraiser facial mask, blowing away black balloons but eventually failing to keep them away from him. And then of course they pop, right in front of his face. Is it a fetish? Doubtful…

  • Balloon Ceiling And Wall Lamps = Cool!

    What a fun design idea for a lamp, beautiful balloons in different colors which come as a ceiling or wall lamp. No need to blow them up and they can’t pop. If you drop them or don’t install them correctly they will shatter, no question about that. And it’s clever too, just look at that…

  • At One Point The Make-Up Has To Come Down

    A horror movie couldn’t be more terrifying than this. I don’t mind make-up but watching these video where girls take down their art confuses me so much. It totally messes with my mind, so I keep jumping before the after but something just doesn’t make any sense. But at the same time I’m deeply impressed…

  • Vortex Rings Will Blow Your Mind

    Vortex Rings Will Blow Your Mind

    To be honest, I have no idea what I’m looking at here. A Vortex? What? But what I do know, watching these two different colored vortex rings collide and perfectly match up, is the most satisfying thing I have seen a in a long time. Science, force and math creating this beautiful outer ring, changing…

  • Put Your Mug On A Pillow – Got Them Mushions?

    How about putting your mug onto a pillow and decorate your living and bedroom with it. Face it, you want to see your face in any every single room and remind everyone who comes in that this is your place. From their product page: These aptly named ‘Mushions’ are wondrously weird. If there’s as effective…